The Personality Manager – Manager's Guide & Team Tool-kit

The Personality Manager for Businesses

To give you an idea of what the Tool-kit may achieve for you, your team, and your business:

Are you having trouble getting on with certain colleagues? Or standing up to the office bully? Getting co-operation from your team?

If you are in a leadership role, are you managing to motivate people?

Exercise necessary control? Deal with that difficult member of staff?

The answer lies in knowing and understanding how we and other people think, communicate and react. The Personality Manager opens these doors for you.

There is a ‘took-kit' for each team member which gives them a clear insight into themselves and explains how their colleagues function. The result? Greater harmony and co-operation in the workforce and consequently, it’s likely there will be increased productivity, and less absenteeism and lower staff turnover.

The 'took-kit' also includes a complimentary Manager’s Guide which shows those in leadership roles, how to manage and motivate their team to achieve maximum results.

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