15 Steps to Overcome Anxiety and Depression

The programme

Here is the basic framework of Iris Barrow's very effective 15-step programme that will help you overcome anxiety and depression.* 

Step 1: Relaxation

Step 2: Daily exercise

Step 3: Replacing negative with positive thoughts

Step 4: Coping with panic and feelings of fear

Step 5: Accepting and expressing your feelings

Step 6: Using your imagination to work for you

Step 7: The importance of eating sensibly

Step 8: Letting go of anxiety

Step 9: Facing and overcoming problems

Step 10: Taking constructive action despite negative feelings

Step 11: Build your self-esteem and affirm yourself

Step 12: Set your goals and motivate yourself

Step 13: Meet your own needs

Step 14: Think and act well – not sick

Step 15: Have a realistic expectation of yourself

This book contains an easy-to-grasp programme of practical exercises.

THE FIRST WEEK - Step 1: Relaxation. Daily relaxation is one of the cornerstones of the whole programme and is vital to its success. The relaxation exercises must be done daily. Until mental and physical tension is lowered, it is doubtful that any real progress will be made. The depressed or over-anxious person is almost always in a state of high tension.

THE SECOND WEEK - add Step 2 (Daily exercise) to your programme, at the same time keeping up Step 1. Exercise for half an hour a day (you may have to start off exercising for two minutes and gradually work up to half an hour). Exercise is a major key to your recovery as you will see when you study Step 2.

THE THIRD WEEK - add Step 3 (Replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts) to your programme this week. Mastering this step is vital to your total welfare. Once you learn how to do this your progress will speed up.

THE FOURTH WEEK - add Step 4 (Coping with panic and feelings of fear), making sure you keep up with the work from previous weeks. Most people suffering from depression and anxiety experience panic and fear. It is so traumatic that they need to know how to get on top of it quickly and effectively. This step provides practical strategies and tools that you can use to help cope with panic and fear. 

THE FIFTH WEEK - add Step 5 (Accepting and expressing your feelings). Once you learn how to do this, your tension level should reduce still further; you should be able to begin to accept and express your feelings on a daily basis from now on. Providing you are consistently applying all the steps given so far, you can expect to start feeling better about this time. 

THE SIXTH WEEK - add Step 6 (Using your imagination to work for you). When we use our imagination in a positive way we tap into a force with unlimited potential for healing. Exercises for ‘healing imagination therapy’ are also given.

THE SEVENTH WEEK - add Step 7 (The importance of eating sensibly). Look after your body by eating wisely and in this way you will give yourself the best chance of feeling better physically in the shortest space of time. Feeling better physically encourages us to work harder for ourselves in other areas.

THE EIGHTH WEEK - add Step 8 (Letting go of anxiety). Take action, don't get anxious, is the message contained in this step. 

THE NINTH WEEK - add Step 9 (Facing and overcoming problems). Now it is time to start looking at and dealing with the problems that are causing you anxiety and holding you back from functioning well. 

THE TENTH WEEK - add Step 10 (Taking constructive action despite negative feelings). Once you learn to act for yourself, despite the negative feelings that would hold you back, your progress will once again speed up. 

THE ELEVENTH WEEK - add Step 11 (Build your self-esteem and affirm yourself). This is the best way to build your self-concept (the way you see and feel about yourself) so that you can really begin to function well. What you are, and ultimately become as a person, springs from this.

THE TWELFTH WEEK - add Step 12 (Set your goals and motivate yourself). Goal-setting is important to your progress. When we have direction in our lives because we know what we want and where we are going, we are more motivated to achieve. Methods and exercises for goal setting are given.

THE THIRTEENTH WEEK - add Step 13 (Meet your own needs). Only too often we rely on others for fulfillment and to meet our needs when we should be doing this for ourselves. This step takes us one move further in this important area of self-development and looks at clarifying needs, ways of meeting them, and the all-important `need to be needed'. 

THE FOURTEENTH WEEK - add Step 14 (Think and act well, not sick). The first essential in being and feeling well is to see ourselves as healthy, and act accordingly. How we see ourselves influences our whole functioning and is largely responsible for our state of well-being or otherwise. 

THE FIFTEENTH WEEK - add Step 15 (Have a realistic expectation of yourself). So often we hold ourselves back from progressing because we are afraid to really be ourselves, or because we have unrealistic expectations. This can cause us to reject ourselves to a greater or lesser degree and fall into a state of despair. The importance of accepting and being ourselves, and of setting goals that we can achieve, are dealt with in Step 15. Once we come to terms with this, quite rapid progress is possible. Perfectionists, over-achievers and compulsive performers are also looked at. This step deals with the importance of maintaining a good balance in our lives as well.
*This book is a self-help resource and does not replace advice from a health professional.

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