Stress Breakers That Work

There are 30 chapters in Stress Breakers That Work.

You’ll find the information, tips and exercises easy to digest and apply.

Here are the chapter headings to give you a taste of the topics covered.What happens when we become stressed?

1. What happens when we become stressed?

2. Some symptoms of on-going and/or high level stress

3. Your early warning stress symptom

4. The difference between pressure and stress

5. Sources of internal stress

6. Reality versus perceived reality

7. The importance of expressing feelings assertively

8. What is your existing stress level?

9. Further internal causes of stress

10. Further keys to cope with stress

11. Long-term consequences of excessive and continual stress

12. Good stress – the release of ‘happy hormones’ including endorphins

13. Our individual stress threshold

14. Breaking stress

15. Emergency stress reduction keys

16. Beating the worry habit

17. The cut-off point from other people’s negative reactions

18. Learning to solve problems logically

19. Compartmentalisation

20. Some keys I have learnt

21. Good stress (eustress) versus destructive stress

22. Advanced dysphoria

23. Terminal burnout

24. The personality who is most ‘at risk’ from stress

25. Some of the characteristics of those less likely to be ‘at risk’ from stress

26. Change and stress

27. Flexibility and lateral thinking

28. Achieving peace of mind

29. Life is on-going learning

30. How to avoid feeding stress

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