The Personality Manager – Manager's Guide & Team Tool-kit

Manager’s Guide & Team Tool-kit

The Personality Manager for businesses is designed for team members plus managers, leaders, supervisors, and team leaders. This invaluable Tool-kit will help you know and understand your people in the workplace better.The workplace can stagnate when staff morale is low and people are reluctant to work together as a team. Conflict and toxic ‘office politicking’ can create rifts, increase absenteeism, and even force good people to leave permanently. How can you prevent this from happening? Iris Barrow’s easy-to-follow Tool-kit will provide you with the knowledge and tools to create a cohesive, energised and more productive workforce.

The Tool-kit includes

  1. An individual personality test for each team member. This provides detailed information on how different personalities think and function with a clear breakdown of each person’s dominant and underlying personality type(s).
  2. Guidelines showing you how to approach each person, motivate and communicate with them according to their different personality styles.
  3. Advice on how to conduct more effective team meetings, based on your new knowledge of how to meld the different personalities into a cohesive unit and draw the best from the team as a whole.

The positive impacts can be far-reaching, for example, you may be able to allocate work that better aligns with your people’s strengths; capitalise on their strong points and support them to overcome limitations; create a more harmonious workplace which will invigorate the workforce, lift productivity and reduce absenteeism.

This trialed and tested programme has been used in major business organizations and in the private sector.

Please contact Iris Barrow to receive a brochure with more information on this Tool-kit.

“The outcome has been a much better functioning team, able to trust in their colleagues for support. Comments from individuals have been overwhelming positive and performance has improved as a result”.

“I became more accepting of others’ opinions and tolerant of them in team meetings”.


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